Monday 1 December 2014

Christmas calendar that helps you make a change

Everyone is familiar with Christmas calendars that give daily treats or gifts, but there are many other kind of calendars. Most commonly you can find calendars that make you complete tasks every day of a month. How about having such instead of Christmas calendar? Best part of having such that you can make the tasks yourself and then complete them daily with your family, friend or your sweetheart. Thought you have to make daily a small change but why not view it as a treat? Afterall it will reward you with feeling great for accomplising it and eventually maybe by changing your bad habits for good ones. You can also think of it as daily gift for you body and mind to feel better. It's all about how you view it. This is your chance to make a change for better and then celebrate your success with Christmas.
Try a new freshie month. Make a meal including the daily freshie. You might learn new recipies, find new favourite meals and you can do this with your family! This is a great way to start eating healthier. Instead of having a donut or sweets for daily treat, you could have peach pie with your family! Peach pie in my opinion tastes absolutely amazing and it's definately one of my favourite pies. On day 22 you could make homemade lasagne with spinach in it to give it a nice different flavor. Cantaloupe is something I use to loathe because of icecream I had as a kid. I have ever since then reacted to its smell as if it's poisonous to me. Few months ago I forced myself to eat it. I bought one big cantaloupe and said to myself that there must be a way of me to eat it. First few days I stared at it from distance waiting for it to poison me. After that I cut it and tried a slice, it was disgusting because the old memories came back to haunt me. Then I thought that I might actually add little bit of it to smoothie and day by day I added more of it till I eventually was able to eat a slice of it without blending it's taste with something else.
Wellness calendar. Learn to find happiness in your daily life. I must admit, life sucks but it won't change till you make a change. Somethings you can't change but that's okay. Find something else that will replace the things you can't change. If all you do is think about how much it all sucks, you just end up into negativity loop. Instead how about you try this calendar? Learn to enjoy the simple little things that could make you smile. It might seem silly at times but complete every day of it and say it didn't work even tiny bit.

These kind of you can often find on instagram. Usually they are workouts for abs or booty. These are good in my opinion for complete beginner. With these you can get slight kick to do some workout daily. Afterall you can do squats and lunges at home without any equipment. It's still better than doing nothing at all. These ofcourse won't get you the body you wish for but in my opinion these teach you to understand that you can always find time to workout. Also seeing that you can complete more and more daily works as great motivator to involve working out into your days even after Christmas.
This one in my opinion is better idea to follow incomparison to one above. This one challenges your diet aswell by cutting out grains and dairy. At the same time it makes you work on your full body and you can still do this at home. You might need some dumbbells to make it more intense. Resistance bands work well too. Sure this means you must do more and it will consume more time but nothing worth it comes easy. This one will also have the same effect on you as above, but more likely you'll see results from this one than the above one.
Or why not try something like this? This one helps you to adapt healthy lifestyle. Once again this is again more challenging than some of the earlier ones but once you have done your daily task you have eaten well or worked out and you notice it didn't actually take that much time as you feared it might. I would say all of these tasks won't take more than 30-60 minutes a day. It isn't much but having it as a task helps you to actually make the change instead of daily thinking what could change to get healthier.

Anyways internet is full of these all kind of calendars. There's even yoga calendars. So if you and your friend are wishing to lose some weight, why not accept fitness challenge calendar to follow together so you can support each other to get it done! Always wanted to make change into your diet? Well why not try to daily challenge yourself to make a healthy meal? Afterall you can make yourself a calendar to fit your goals. What's better Christmas present than finally quitting a bad sugar addiction? Completing daily small goals is easier than making a huge change and for some this works perfectly. So give it a try!

If you are interested in more of these monthly challenge calendars, check out Sparkpeople's challenges.